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James 4:3, “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”

There are several reasons why we don’t receive the things we request from God. Some reasons could be sin in our lives that we haven’t repented of or stopped committing, lack of faith, not in line with God’s will for us, disobedience, etc. In today’s verse, we do not receive what we ask God for at times, because our intentions are wrong. For example, if you need God to move in your finances and bless you with more, but He knows you’re not going to use the money wisely, then He will not give you what you’re asking for. But when God knows you’re going to be faithful in paying your tithes, give to the poor, use wisdom in how you spend your money, He will open the storehouses of Heaven for you (Malachi 3:10, Acts 20:35). Remember, God is omniscient and knows the deepest desires of your heart (Psalm 44:21, 139:1). So, what are your intentions behind your prayer requests? Is the ultimate desire to please God in what you aim to receive (1 Corinthians 10:31)? God does not honor prayers of selfish ambition.

Dear Father, convict me of the state of my heart. Help me to recognize the intentions behind my prayer requests and mold them to fit Your will for me. I know that whatever the answer to my prayers, it’s because You know what’s best. Thank You in advance. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!