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Psalm 119:11, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

It’s so important as Christians to read our Bibles. We will be less likely to fall astray if we truly commit to spending time with God in reading His Word and communion with Him. The devil doesn’t want us to read our Bibles because he doesn’t want us to be convicted of the things in our lives that need to change – he wants to keep us entangled in our sins. Today, I encourage you to make it a part of your daily routine to devote time to God, to study the Word, pray to Him, and listen to what He has to say to you. Through this relationship, the Holy Spirit will transform our minds to conform to Christ, and our hearts will be renewed by His Word. It should make us uncomfortable to not spend time with God, who we say we love, just as it would be unsettling to us to not spend time with the person we love. 

How are we to ever grow spiritually, when the only time we read our Bibles is in Bible study or Sunday service? And even then, when we are physically at these “activities” in church, we’re not fully attentive because we’re distracted by our phones, and other things. That’s like eating a meal once a week, you’ll find yourself weak. But if you eat a balanced meal regularly, you’re energized, this is like the Word of God for our spiritual lives. You will grow stronger and wiser spiritually, the more time you spend with Him in His Word.

Dear Father, help me to be intentional in spending time with You. I desire to be more like Christ daily. Transform my mind and write Your Word upon the tablets of my heart, so I may not sin against You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!