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Luke 6:27-36

Highlighting verses, 27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

I’m pretty sure we all have enemies. Even the perfect, Jesus Christ, had plenty of enemies without reason (John 15:25). For that reason, as a believer, don’t be surprised to find that people hate you because they hated Him first (John 15:18-21). Knowing that we will endure persecution, false accusations, malice, slander etc., Jesus throughout His ministry, taught the disciples how to extend love, grace, forgiveness and mercy. How can we go about demonstrating love towards those who hate us? It begins with humility. Humility will lead us to forgive an offense and see the offender above ourselves. Humility will motivate us towards praying for the offender.

The greatest commandment Jesus left us with is to love God with all our heart, soul and mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:36-40). In order to truly love our enemies with the purest intentions, our foundational love should be rooted in God and we should have a love for ourselves. Then will we be able to express our love for our enemies in prayer. I know, you’re probably reading this like I can’t love this person, they’re evil. But our Lord and Savior continues to love us when we offend Him daily with our sinful actions (Romans 5:8). Jesus dealt with the highest form of betrayal through Judas, but still loved him. Let’s begin one step at a time extending love towards our enemies first by praying for them. So, what should we pray? I would like to share a model prayer written by John Piper that I absolutely love.

Father, grant that my enemies would hallow Your name. Grant that they would treasure You above all, reverence You, and admire You more than anything. 

Father, grant that my enemies would come under the saving, purifying sway of your kingly rule and that you would exert your kingly power to make my enemies your own loyal subjects.

Grant, Father, that my enemies would love to do your will the way the angels do it in heaven with all their might, and without reservation, and with the purest motives, and with great joy.

Grant, Father, that my enemies would have all the physical resources of food and clothing and shelter and education and healthcare and transportation that they need to fulfill your calling on their lives.

And forgive my enemies their sins, as you bring them to repentance, and make them forgiving people, and protect them from overpowering temptations and from the destructive power of the devil.

We shouldn’t be naive when it comes to those who hate us and act as if they don’t (putting ourselves in harmful situations), but our ability to forgive, love, and pray for them releases us from the pain of holding a grudge against them in our hearts. Furthermore, we want to keep our hearts pure for the Holy Spirit to continue His work through us. Most importantly, we want to pray in this way for our enemies because we want them to come to love God and be transformed by Him. Have a blessed day.