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1 John 2:15, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (KJV)

We can easily become attached to the things in this world if we aren’t careful. If you continue to read into verse 16, what is being described as of the world is “lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life”. When you lust after something, it’s an intense desire for whatever that thing is. Lust can easily put one in trouble of idolizing and putting other things above God. The pride of life is like the concept the world holds so dearly to, “self” – it’s a selfish mentality. A “self-made” mentality which leads to pride and arrogance. This person constantly asks, “What is in the best interest for myself?”, and they tend to not consider what’s best for others as well.

Let’s ensure we aren’t losing our focus on Jesus Christ chasing after things of this world. There’s no problem with wanting to buy nice things, but we shouldn’t be attached to these things. Our attachment and dependency should solely be in our God, the Sovereign Lord, who created the Heavens and Earth by His breath. Furthermore, the Bible teaches us that we should look to the best interest of others, as Christ did (Philippians 2:3 – 4).

Dear God, sometimes it’s hard to put others above myself, but I ask that You give me the humble Spirit to do so. Thank You for Your Word which shows me how to live a life pleasing to You. Help me to always remember that in this world I am only passing through, until You call me home to be with You in Heaven. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!