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John 2:1 – 11

Highlighting – “His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever He tells you.’” (v. 5)

Your blessing is right on the other side of your obedience. What God is telling you to do, do it at the time that He tells you to, and He exactly as He instructs you to. The wonderful thing involved in obeying God is that the benefit is not only for you, but also for those who are connected to you. Consider Noah, when God gave him instructions to build an ark, which would be the means of deliverance from the flood for him, his family and anyone who would listen (Genesis 6). Even when the instructions don’t seem to make sense, Jesus told the servants to put water in the jugs, when they asked Him for wine, and Noah saw no rain on the earth to need a boat, but all the servants in both stories, did exactly as He said. At times, we try to rationalize what we’ve heard from God using our limited understanding, but we must remember that His ways and thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). God sees the whole picture; we’d do best to have complete faith in Him.

Delayed obedience, is actually disobedience. If you’re not sure that you’ve heard from God, ask Him to give you the ability to discern His voice from your emotions. Blessing comes from following His lead, not from allowing our emotions to drive us – one day we feel a certain type of way, the next day we don’t feel the same (Jeremiah 17:9). Pray for discernment. 

What is God telling you to do today? Do exactly as He says.

Dear Father, help me to obey You even when Your instructions seem illogical to me. Help me to understand that everything You do will be for my good. Give me the ability to discern Your voice from my voice and the enemy’s voice. I trust in You and I trust the outcome to You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!