Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God…”
Our trust in God during periods of silence, drought, or whatever word you’d like to use to describe when waiting on God, is critical to our attitude and success in that current season. Patience is a word that is practically nonexistent in a generation that seeks instant gratification. A generation that believes in microwave processes, where you should be able to receive what you want now. Fortunately, our God doesn’t work that way. We all know the best and lasting things take time. As the saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
It’s in our nature to doubt and try to take things into our control, as Sarai did, when she looked at reality to see that things didn’t add up to her receiving what God promised her. But God doesn’t work according to what “adds up”. He often works in such a way where your deliverance didn’t make sense, where your healing happened out of nowhere, where there is literally no explanation for your blessing except the fact that it was entirely orchestrated by God.
May we consider Hannah, who though she was ridiculed by Penina for not having children, despite being sad, stayed on her knees in constant prayer to her Father anticipating she’d receive what she asked for (1 Samuel 1). Hannah’s situation is similar to many of us. Penina was having children as Hannah remained barren. We are waiting on a new job, spouses, children, to get into school, etc., as we watch our friends and family receive these blessings almost immediately. Keep your focus on God and be content in the season you’re in – there’s a purpose and there’s much blessing in waiting. Ask God what is He trying to teach you during that time?
If you’re single, enjoy singleness in the Lord. Chase after God wholeheartedly (for who He is), get to know yourself, and go out and do the things you’ve always wanted to do (when you’re married the same opportunities will be difficult to do, read 1 Corinthians 7:32-35). If you’re married, enjoy marriage with your spouse before the children come, don’t allow the pressures of society to rob that experience from you (now if God makes it happen sooner than you anticipated lol that’s all good too – enjoy it!). Trust that God has an appointed time for you to receive your blessings and He is never late! Wait on Him in prayer and fasting. Believe in the promises in His Word when you begin to feel discouraged. These practices will help you to be at rest as you grow in Godly character and fulfill your purpose in “waiting”. Always remember, when you wait on God, you receive His best.
Dear God, help me to trust in You while I wait. May I have discipline to stay put and not get ahead of You, until You tell me to move. I want to be filled with joy from You in my current season. Show me Your truth, help me to be sensitive to Your Spirit and obedient to Your directives. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!
Thank you ?,Muriel. This reminds me of Don Moen’s song titled “we wait”. Too many of us tend to live a busy life and we want to be in a hurry with our lives but that is not what God intend for us all.
Waiting is a way of God molding us and preparing us for a particular assignment. Many people fail to understand and daily work on themselves and delight themselves in the Lord as they wait for what God has in store for them.
It takes one who is upright to be patient on God just like Job. God is patient and He expects us to be patient too. His patience is unlimited
Nehemiah 9:30-31 – “For many years you were patient with them. By your Spirit you admonished them through your prophets. Yet they paid no attention, so you handed them over to the neighboring peoples. But in your great mercy you did not put an end to them or abandon them, for you are a gracious and merciful God”
Diete, thank you for your additional words of wisdom. If only we would learn to be patient in all circumstances, knowing that God is working everything together for our good. He truly knows what’s best for us and we need to trust in His infinite knowledge/power. Amen!
Love this!