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Romans 5:6-10

Highlighting – “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (v.8)

In these verses, Paul describes how we would rarely even want to die for a righteous person, but maybe for a good individual we would consider it. Long story short, the chances are slim that we would give our lives for another person, even if they were good. God on the other hand, while we were still sinners, He sent His only Son to die for us. If you know of someone who committed a crime, would you agree that someone else who didn’t commit the crime should pay the penalty? No. That’s the right answer. Yet, Christ did that for us. The beauty about Christ dying for our sins to reconcile us back to God is that it was a gift – we didn’t have to do anything for it and could do nothing to earn it. This is the perfect example of God’s deep unconditional love.

We often throw out the phrase “I love you” to our brothers and sisters in Christ, but do we truly understand what that means? Most importantly, do we live it out? Love is a verb and requires action – it should be demonstrated, 1 John 3:18.

Mark Dever, a Calvinist preacher and Sr Pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in DC says, “Church in many ways is a group of people who are not only living lives of love, but who are doing so because we all agree on how we’ve been loved by God through Christ.” Reach out to someone and express your love for them – show them they’re important and valued. These little acts of love go a long way.

Dear Father, help me to understand the love You have for me. As my understanding of Your love for me develops, please help me to demonstrate this love to others. Open my heart and mind to Your Word. I pray Your Word penetrates my heart, that I do not simply grow in knowledge, but in love for You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.