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Proverbs 13:20, “Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.” (NLT)

We are influenced daily by our interactions with other people. It isn’t without reason that Solomon writes in Proverbs (not verbatim) that you are who you associate yourself with. While we would like to think that folks don’t have much of an impact in our lives, they do. What is important is, who you’re giving access into your life. As we see in today’s text, if we keep company with those who are wise, we will naturally become wise too. But in that same way, if we surround ourselves with fools, we will become fools as well leading to our downfall. Examine the people in your life that you engage with the most and ask yourself how do they influence you? Is it in a Godly way or not? Do they provide wise advice that is supported by Scripture? Ask God to guide you in all your relationships. You are a reflection of the people you’re surrounded by.

Dear Father, please give me wisdom and discernment to recognize those people who will help me walk righteously and those who will only lead me astray. Help me to continuously grow spiritually through the various associations I have. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!