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Romans 12:9-19

Highlighting – “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” (v. 15)

Not everyone is going to be happy for you when God blesses you. Some will be thrilled, others will lament, and then there’s the few that would be called “the haters”. The ones that are genuinely thrilled for you do exactly as the Word of God says, “rejoice with those who rejoice”. You’re happy to see God working in that person’s life and blessing them, that it’s as if you’re the one who has received the blessing. The second group is of people who lament because they have not received the blessing they were seeking from God, so they become distraught, envious, jealous, lose faith in God and see it as everyone else getting blessed but them. What they fail to realize is when you focus on someone else’s blessing, you end up missing out or delaying receiving what God is trying to give to you because your attention is turned away from Him. The third group of people means exactly as the word says, they just hate to see other people blessed and would do anything to destroy that. Today, I pray you are among the people who rejoice when God blesses someone, or you are there to be a shoulder for that person to cry on when they’re sad. I pray our sense of community in the Church gets stronger and more Christ-centered.

Dear Father, help me to love as You love us – unconditionally. Give me the ability to be the shoulder someone can cry on or the encourager when they are blessed. May I always wait and focus on You. Thank You for Your custom-made blessing for me. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!