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Mark 10:42-45

Highlighting- “43 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.”

If we want to be great in the Kingdom of God, we must be willing to humble ourselves to serve others. Many people want these high positions in the church, but fail to realize, ministerial work isn’t glamorous. It might seem that way because of how modern pastors carry themselves today, but if you follow the ministry of Jesus Christ, there was more persecution than not. If you delve deeper into His work on Earth, Jesus Christ was a servant to all mankind (Philippians 2:7). In today’s highlighted verses, Jesus tells His disciples that humility and servanthood in a Christian is what is pleasing to God and elevates you in His Kingdom. Let’s think about Joshua and Moses. Joshua made a great leader of the nation of Israel because he was first a great servant to his leader, Moses (Joshua 11:15).

Does your pride get in the way of you serving wholeheartedly? A true leader is a servant. And all Christians are called to be servant leaders. If you’re a leader in a ministry, ask God what you can do for others to advance His Kingdom as opposed to asking what others can do for you (Acts 20:35).

Dear Father, work on my heart to desire to be a servant as Jesus Christ was for us. Help me to recognize any pride in me and remove it from my heart. I desire to bear fruit of the Holy Spirit, which is humility. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!