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Numbers 23:19, “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?


When God makes a promise know that He will bring it to pass (Isaiah 55:11). Our job is not to help Him in bringing about a certain outcome, but to rest in Him as Abraham, who fell into a deep sleep when God was going into covenant with him (Gen 15:12). Additional great examples of resting while God works behind the scenes for us is Adam, sleeping as God removed his rib to make woman (Genesis 2:21), and Peter who slept chained to two guards while 4 squads of 4 guards each, watched him in prison (Acts 12:6). What was common among these men was their ability to be at rest while God worked. When we consider Peter, wouldn’t you be frustrated and fearful in prison? But no, this man knew his God would save him and had all the peace in the world in the midst of his trial. The opposite of this we see in the story of Sarai and her lack of faith, choosing to take matters into her own hands and send Abram to sleep with her handmaid, Hagar – leading to disastrous consequences for us today (Gen 16).


A friendly reminder: God does not need our help ;). What He does ask is that we remain steadfast in prayer, walk in obedience, trusting that He hears us and will answer according to His timing to fulfill His promise exactly as He said He would. Do not let Satan discourage you from praying when things seem to be tough. When you stop praying, you’re giving him exactly what he wants, so rebuke any thoughts pulling you away from God (Matt 6:23). Again, God is not man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). If you’re not sure what God’s promise is to you, ask Him, He’s happy to reveal His secrets to His servants (Ps 25:14; Amos 3:7). Then wait quietly and patiently to hear Him speak to you, God speaks in a whisper…He can’t get through to you when your mind is busy trying to figure things out on your own.


Let’s make a promise to God to work on developing our relationship with Him and building our trust in Him – let that be your focus going forward (Matt 6:33). Watch as things begin to fall into place for you, things you could’ve never imagined (Eph 3:20-21). If you find yourself getting anxious as you wait on God, remember God’s understanding surpasses ours and He wants to give us His best…it will all be worth it in the end. Has God ever failed you? Trust Him today and rest.


Dear God, thank You for never changing. Thank You for the hope we have in You knowing that Your plan is always good for Your servants. Help me to trust in You. You are the almighty God who made the heavens and earth in six days. There is nothing too difficult for You. May my faith remain steadfast as I wait expectantly on Your promises. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.