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Mark 9:14-29

Highlighting – “Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

A man approaches Jesus Christ, while He’s in his town, to seek deliverance for his demon possessed child. In the exchange with Jesus, the father says to Him in verse 22, “but if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” In Jesus’ response to the father, He immediately questions the father’s doubt, “If you can?” said Jesus “Everything is possible for one who believes” (v. 23).  

I believe many of us are like the father in this story. We know God can do the impossible, but we have a hard time believing He will do it for us. We are desperate to see Him perform a miracle in our lives but we pray to Him in a manner where we don’t put too much faith in receiving what we desire so that IF we don’t get what we prayed for, we’re not disappointed or discouraged. Please realize, when we pray this way, we aren’t truly putting any faith in God at all. We see in this story that the father admits to believing but needing a boost in his unbelief, and this miracle would remove any inkling of doubt in him. God will help us overcome our unbelief, but He truly loves when His children believe in Him wholeheartedly without doubting. I’ll repeat, Jesus said that everything is possible for the person who believes. And your prayers in faith will activate God to move on your behalf. In Mark 9:28-29, the disciples asked Jesus why they weren’t able to cast the demon out of the child, and Jesus said, this kind can only come out by prayer (emphasis added). There are some things in life that you receive and you didn’t even pray for it, but there will be other things you need from God that you will only get from Him in fervent prayer and fasting.

If you desire something deep in your heart and it seems impossible in the natural realm, believe that God will do exactly what you asked Him for (if it is within His will for you, 1 John 5:14). We serve the God who created the universe and world we live in within 6 days, there’s nothing He can’t do for you. Don’t be afraid to pray bold prayers. Be specific in your prayers to God, as my mother would always advise me and my sisters to do. God delights in answering prayers that are outside of our reach because no one else can receive the glory but Him.

Is there something you’ve given up praying about because it seems impossible or that God won’t do it? If God didn’t say “no”, then get back to praying for that thing. He will answer you, and always remember that He will do exceedingly, abundantly more than you could’ve ever asked or thought in your life – if you will just believe.

Father, I believe in who You are and that You can do the impossible. Help my unbelief. You remain the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The same miracles You performed in the past, You can and still do today. Please strengthen my faith and trust in You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!