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Colossians 3:1 – 4

Highlighting – “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” (v. 3 – 4)

We all long to be satisfied in some way. We think if we could just have this, then we’ll be happy, and even when we receive that “thing”, something else becomes the new object of desire. The void we feel while on Earth, we experience because we’re not meant to be satisfied with being here. Earth is not our home. Our home is Heaven. As Christ’s ambassadors we represent where we are from and reside where we aren’t meant to belong forever. Similar to when you go on vacation, it is fun and exciting in the beginning. You take part in different activities and enjoy the new scenery, then, there comes a point where you miss home. You can’t wait to be back in your bed. There truly is no place like home. Don’t get me wrong, God desires that we would live a full and happy life on Earth, but He will send us constant reminders that Heaven is our real home. Once we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior our destination changes. We begin to see Him in all His glory by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us, and daily we live in anticipation of experiencing that future eternal glory with Him. Where we will have inexpressible joy, the result of our salvation.  

So, while you’re still here, fulfill the mission that Jesus has given you, to advance the Kingdom of God and share the Good News of salvation by faith alone. Let’s not keep the gift to ourselves, there’s room in Heaven for all who believe.

Dear Father, I look forward to seeing You face-to-face. Help me to keep eternity in mind in the decisions that I make. I desire to share the gift of knowing Jesus Christ with others. Remove all fear in me and give me the words to speak. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!