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Daniel 6:21-22, “Daniel answered, “May the king live forever! My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.” (NIV)

Last night the preacher read these verses and I was reminded in reading them the importance in staying faithful to God (no matter what), being silent in persecution, and allowing God to vindicate you. Daniel was a man of integrity, who had a group of administrators and satraps that were jealous of him and envied the way the king was going to honor him by appointing Daniel over the whole kingdom. So, to hinder Daniel’s progress, they set out to find charges against him, fortunately, they couldn’t find any as he was trustworthy, nor corrupt, nor negligent (Daniel 6:3-4). Because the men couldn’t trap him by means of corruption, they decided to find a charge against him by creating a law regarding his God. These men convinced the king to write a law to throw anyone into the lion’s den that is caught praying to any other god or human being that isn’t King Darius over the next 30 days. Daniel, who was faithful to his God, was “caught” praying with windows open to God and is thrown into the lion’s den. (Please read the full chapter for the rest of the story.)

Number 1, this chapter taught me that when the devil is working behind people to destroy you, they do not have good logic or sense. The fact that they even thought they could go against the almighty God is proof of that. Two, the importance in remaining faithful to God. Even when confronted with difficulty, an obstacle, persecution, God will fight for you especially when you remain true to Him. Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den and yet, they didn’t even touch him because God sent His angel to protect him. Lastly, the evil others wanted to befall you, will sadly fall upon their own heads if they do not repent and change their ways. Daniel 6:24, the king commanded that all the men, who falsely accused Daniel, be thrown into the lion’s den with their wives and children, and the lions overpowered them and crushed all their bones.

Whatever you are going through today, if you’re innocent and remain faithful to God, He is fighting for you. When you’re in the storm it’s hard to endure, but your God is sustaining you. Trust in Him. Do not deviate from His Word or His promises. The devil wants you to give up and lose hope in God, but don’t give in to his temptations. Psalm 25:3 says, “No one who hopes in You will ever be put to shame, but shame will come on those who are treacherous without cause.”

Dear Father, thank You for protecting me from things seen and unseen. Help me to remain faithful to You in all circumstances by the power of Your Holy Spirit at work in me. May I always demonstrate the qualities of a true Christian. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!