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Mark 6:4-6, 51-52

Highlighting – “Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed, for they had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened.” (v.51 -52)

Faith produces miracles, miracles don’t produce faith. I read these verses last night in my personal study and thought, after all the miracles the disciples saw Jesus Christ perform, it wasn’t until he calmed the winds did they believe (because their hearts were hardened). If the disciples, who experienced the power of God in the flesh, could still have hardened hearts, how much more so us (who have never seen Jesus)? These verses made me think, asking God for a sign time and time again doesn’t make us believe in Him. Consider the Israelites in the Old Testament. God performed miracle after miracle, the ten plagues, parting the Red Sea, providing manna from Heaven, etc, yet they still grumbled, lacked faith, and sought other gods. The sad thing is, we read about the Israelites and shake our heads at their behavior, but we’re just like them.

Maybe we shouldn’t ask God to do a miracle on our behalf to make us believe, but rather, we should ask Him to grow our faith in Him, then the miracles will follow. Faith in God produces miracles in our lives. Like the woman in Mark 5:25-34, who was bleeding for twelve years and doctors couldn’t help her, she believed all she had to do was touch the cloak of Jesus and she would be healed (her faith healed her). In Mark 6 verses 4 through 6, Jesus’ ability to perform miracles in Galilee was hindered because of the people’s lack of faith. Reading this chapter really spoke to me. I thought, how many times have I hindered the hand of God at work in my life because I lacked faith? If you do a study on the work of Jesus Christ in the Gospels, after He’s healed someone, He often says, “Your faith has made you well…” (Mark 5:34, 10:52; Luke 17:19)

We need more faith in Him. If we truly want to see the hand of God move in our lives, we must ask Him to develop our faith and denounce all thoughts that make us feel contrary. The devil knows how effective our faith in God is and attacks us there to make us doubt Him – do not let him win. God is still in the miracle working business, believe and trust in Him!

Dear Father, forgive me for my lack of faith in You. I desire that You would move mightily on my behalf. Please help me to recognize when my faith is weak and strengthen me by the power of Your Holy Spirit at work in me. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!