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Genesis 2:15, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” (NIV)

In honor of Labor Day and the achievement of American workers, we thank God for the blessing of having a job and the finances to not only pay bills, but enjoy our lives. From the time of creation, God gave Adam the responsibility of working in the Garden of Eden and taking care of it. To labor is not a curse, the curse involved in working is that we would have to work hard (toil) in order to reap the benefits of our work, but that was not God’s original plan for us (Genesis 3:17). May we have a positive outlook going forward about our jobs and the blessing of having money, as opposed to being beggars. There are many people who wish they had jobs to even make ends meet – let’s be grateful every day. 

If you’re unhappy where you are, then ask God to help you to be faithful there until it’s time for Him to bless you with another job. God will bless you with more, when you prove responsible where He already has you (Luke 16:10-12). Your attitude and conduct matters to God in the season you’re in!

Dear Father, thank You for this job You blessed me with. There are many people who are currently homeless and jobless, seeking help to survive, but You’ve blessed us that we can pay our bills, enjoy our money and bless others. Please God help us to understand that it’s not because we are more deserving than others, but simply because of Your grace and favor towards us. Please help us to stop complaining and to work on this earth as if we’re working for You in Heaven. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!