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Luke 10:38 – 42

Highlighting – “There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” (v. 42)

Many things in life can prove to be a distraction, whether it be our social media accounts or random life events that come our way. We need to be careful to not allow these things to consume us or deter us from God. What is a distraction? “A thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else or extreme agitation of the mind or emotions” (Google).

In this day and age, we need godly wisdom and discernment to recognize when something is a simple distraction for a small moment (like surfing social media because you’re bored, but could be potentially hurtful to your spiritual growth) or when something is a huge distraction trying to throw you off of God’s purpose and plan for your life. The enemy is very good at enticing us with things that will take us away from our focus on God and before you know it, you’re drifting away from God entirely. And my mom made a great point the other day about satan’s tactics, he’s very patient when he’s destroying you spiritually so you don’t realize until it’s potentially too late.

Let’s evaluate our lives and try to determine, what is distracting me from serving God wholeheartedly? What is in the way of me making time to read my Bible and pray? Whatever it is, eliminate it. Nothing is more important than your spiritual well-being and growth.

Dear Father, help me to recognize when the enemy is trying to throw me off Your plan for my life. I desire to do Your will and please You. Help me to better manage my time and balance my priorities, always putting You above first. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!