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John 15:1-8

Highlighting – ““I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (v.5)

Jesus Christ is the Vine and we (Christians) are the branches. Our source of strength, ability and righteousness, comes from Christ. When we are connected to the Vine, we will remain nourished and are equipped to do the work of God, as a tree planted by the stream of waters (Jeremiah 17:7-8). How do we become connected to the Vine? First by believing that Jesus Christ died for our sins, confessing our sins to Him, then accepting Him into our hearts as our Lord and Savior (1 Cor 15:2-4). Jesus Christ is the Word (John 1:1-5), and if we meditate on God’s Word day in night, we’re plugged into the Source (Psalm 1:2-3). But once that relationship is severed, we literally can do nothing that is pleasing in the sight of God nor can we accomplish His will for us.

What does that mean to bear fruit? It means to yield positive results (according to Google). For us Christians, bearing good fruit is indicative of a true Christian (John 15:8). Matthew 7:16-20, explains that you will know who a person really is by the “fruit of their labor”. Whatever comes of their work whether good or bad shows the person’s true colors. While Jesus was teaching on how to identify false prophets, this passage can be applied to all of the people in your life. Therefore, one is judged by what they produce, not how they look. Another way to see someone’s fruit is to compare it to the fruit of the Holy Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. The more we know the Word, the better we can discern/make wise and godly decisions or judgments.

What I love most about these verses is that it shows man’s inadequacy without the Savior and serves as a reminder that we cannot boast in ourselves because without Him, we will not succeed in anything. As Paul says, if he has any reason to boast it’s in what Christ has done for us in the crucifixion, giving us another opportunity at eternal salvation (Gal 6:14). If we have any righteousness, it is not in any effort of our own (Romans 3:20), but faith in Jesus Christ, whose righteousness is imputed to us. What do I mean by this? If you’re looking at the reference verse Romans 3:20, continue to read through to verse 26, you will see that God credits His righteousness to us through faith in Jesus Christ. So, it is by complete grace that we are righteous, NOT because of works. When Jesus Christ died on the cross for us there was an exchange. Jesus being perfect and without sin, our sin is credited to Him where He is then separated from the Father for a moment (Matthew 27:46) so that we may be purified and declared righteous by our faith in Him. Christ’s righteousness is given to us, you see? All by grace my brothers and sisters.

Let’s continue to abide in the Vine, which is the only way to eternal life. If you are not connected, get connected by receiving Jesus Christ into your heart through confession of your sins and faith in His power to forgive and save you. He’s waiting for you to come to Him today, right this second! May you be added to the Kingdom today.

Dear God, thank You for Your Son Jesus Christ. If it wasn’t for You I would be nothing, but You’ve given me new life through belief in Your Son and I glorify Your name for that. Help me to keep my eyes on things above through daily prayer and Bible study. Please send people into my life who will help me in my walk with Christ to hold me accountable, that I may become deeper rooted in Him. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!