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2 Corinthians 4:16 – 18

Highlighting – “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” (v. 17)

Anyone reading this devotion today can say they have or are currently experiencing troubles in their lives, whether it’s sickness, financial, persecution, etc. In this chapter, Paul speaks to the church of Corinth about the difficulties he and the other disciples are facing in order to ensure the Gospel reaches them, and that they are taught the truth of the Gospel. Paul and the other disciples endured immense persecution: they were thrown into jail, beaten, stoned, and experienced other afflictions that would make anyone want to quit. But what I love about the verses for today is that Paul deems it as “light and momentary troubles” because what is to come after it’s all over, will surpass what they went through.

Today, I hope these words are encouraging to you. That whatever hardships you’re experiencing now, that you would have the attitude of Jesus Christ and the disciples through it all, knowing something far better is to come. So, if you (as Paul) are being persecuted for the Gospel that you share, then ask God for His strength to overcome the pain. Paul tells us how they’re able to continue sharing The Way, because they “…set their eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18). Jesus said it Himself, that we will have problems on earth as believers, but to be strong and have courage because He has already overcome the world (John 16:33). What an awesome declaration?! Because of this, we fight from a position of victory!

As my dad always says, any difficulty you’re currently experiencing will one day be past tense. Pray for the strength to get you to that day patiently and with a good attitude.

Dear Father, thank You for right relationship with You through Your Son, Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life. He is the reason why we can say that each day we are being transformed from glory to glory. Please help us to remember in our daily afflictions, that we should keep our eyes and minds fixed on you. You promised that You will help us overcome our current situations, and the most glorious victory that we will have is when we are in glory with you in Heaven – that’s eternal. Thank You in advance for the deliverance You’re preparing for me. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!