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Luke 5:4-6

Highlighting – “Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” (v.5)

How many times have we given up on something God told us to do because we didn’t see any fruit from what we were doing or God made a promise over our lives (that we know was a promise from God), and we give up on it because He hasn’t brought it to fruition yet? Well, we all could learn something from Simon Peter in these verses. Even though he and the other fishermen hadn’t caught anything all evening, he obeyed the directive of Jesus Christ anyways to drop his net into the water, “because He said so”. Simon Peter told Jesus about the reality of the situation, yet he was more concerned with Who was speaking and giving him orders, so he obeyed.

When it seems like our prayers aren’t working, pray anyway. When it seems like your child will never listen, keep advising them anyway. When it seems like you won’t succeed, keep being faithful where God has you and work hard anyway. We will reap the blessings if we do not grow faint, and most importantly, we will succeed if we walk in obedience to what God tells us to do. (Please note: sometimes we think God has spoken something to us, meanwhile it’s the inner voice of our own desires speaking, so we must also have discernment when it comes to what we believe are the promises of God for us.)

I know the same way God spoke clearly to servants in the past, He doesn’t always act in that same way today, but that doesn’t mean He isn’t speaking clearly through His Word (the Bible). We must meditate on His Word and obey (apply the Word of God to our lives), then we will be successful (Psalm 1:2-3). So, I ask you today, do you have the same attitude as Simon Peter in the circumstance you’re currently in? Or are you discouraged, miserable, and have given up? Today we will pray for obedience, and that we will be faithful where God has us until He blesses us. Start obeying God in the small things and it’ll be easier to obey Him in the bigger things.

Dear Father, thank You for Your Word that gives me comfort and peace. Thank You for reminding me that You are always with me. Help me to remember the promises in Your Word over my life so that I don’t become discouraged when things don’t go my way. Help me to remember that You will always fulfill my needs and the promises You pronounce over my life will never fail. Help me to faithfully obey You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!